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Before initiating or reinstituting therapya complete personal and family medical history should be takenPhysicalincluding pelvicexamination should be guided by this and by the contraindicationssection 4.3and warningssection 4.4for useDuring treatmentperiodic check-ups are recommended of a frequency and nature adapted to the individual womanbut may includeif judged appropriate by buy clomid with mastercard. the clinicianabdominal and pelvic examinationWomen should be encouraged to participate in the national breast cancer screening programmemammographyand the national cervical screening programmecervical cytologyas appropriate for their age.
Read the entire detailed patient monograph for ProveraMedroxyprogesterone Acetate Tablets)
Provera is not indicated during pregnancyIf pregnancy occurs during medication with Proveratreatment should be withdrawn immediately.
The possibility of genital tract pathology should be considered before commencing treatment in women with abnormal uterine bleedingespecially in women over 45who may require gynaecological investigation.
It also thickens the cervical mucuswhich makes it difficult for sperm to move through the cervixand thins the lining of the womb so a fertilised egg is less likely to implant itself.
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